Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Decleration of Independance to the Cathloic Church

When in course of human nature, there comes a time when I must dissolve the bands which tie me from the religion I was born into. Times of the present have changed. No longer are people unable to see the world with their own eyes, find crucial information for at one time was not there. There is a global community of people, no longer are we controlled by ones town and government which has been influenced by the religion of the people. My Catholic forefathers have manipulated and forever changed the thoughts of my ancestors, but have not influenced my young eager mind. I will not be held down with the fear of a burning prison, but let my mind drift in the river of knowledge that will forever flow till the end of humanity. The amount of knowledge one can acquires, has exponentially changed threw the 21st century. The age of light is upon us. No longer will science be shunned and look down upon, but will rise from each dark corner of this reached world and show the true light which one day all humanity will look at in awe.
It has left its followers in confusion.
It has only relied on faith and not fact.
It has created greed not abolished.
It has killed more than protected.
It has taken one’s wealth and used for unreasonable purposes.
It has starved its followers and enriched its preachers.
It lives above the law, or becomes law.
It changes instincts to evil and anything good must be wrong.
It changes stories with each new branch.
It starts wars, does not end them.
It creates a false world, and hides the skeletons.
It takes all reason and vaporizes it, only a book holds all knowledge.
It uses its followers to do thy bidding for the security of the hierarchy.
I therefore will forever break the bonds that try to hold me back. The bonds that want to cloud my judgment. The chains that want me to conform and follow like a lamb. I am not a lamb but a bird. A bird that will fly away and question the rest of the herd, to ensure they will questions ones actions and with the hope that someday they too will grow wings and break the manipulative bonds that hold them down. They too will see the light and accept a new way of life, full of knowledge and mystery.

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