Monday, November 2, 2009

Food Project Post

1) Why do People choose to eat products that are unhealthy for them?
They are cheap and inexpensive. Not only that, people think that by eating things that are low fat and don't have a lot of carbs or calories is a healthy choice. Instead of having a healthy body, people want to be skinny and under weight. What they don't realize is that they are taking away the nurtiants that a healthy body needs. Since companies don't explain that it not a healthy choice to eat diet foods people will continue to try and achive a thin look.

2) What roles/responsabilities does the goverment have a framing your choices?
They need to find ways to keep there people healthy, the more heathy people the more tax payers. If people feel that the goverment is taking care of them then they will support them more. Everyone should be educated on their food choices and the pros and cons of all food choices. In forming me is infomring future generations.

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